
$1B endowment announcement on July 21, 2023

大学现在开始着手计划如何在一段时间内获得和部署资金 expand programs and reduce student debt


堪萨斯州的麦克弗森学院今天宣布,它已经在其历史性的5亿美元捐赠双打挑战中遇到了对手. Additionally, 这位匿名捐赠者承诺再捐赠5亿美元,总计捐赠10亿美元,令学院社区感到惊讶. 麦克弗森学院董事会也一致投票决定以麦克弗森学院两位已故校友和教授的名字命名麦克弗森学院捐赠基金, Drs. John Ward and John Burkholder. 今天上午,麦克弗森学院校长迈克尔·施耐德在200多名教职员工参加的校园活动上宣布了这一里程碑式的消息, staff, trustees, students, and friends of the college.

The total funding of $1,592,000,000 will result in the largest endowment of any small liberal arts college in the United States. (Editor’s note: see below for breakdown)

捐赠协议为匿名捐赠者提供了灵活性,可以随时间支付,也可以在捐赠者去世时全额支付, 麦克弗森学院最晚什么时候能拿到匿名捐赠者的10亿美元. 大多数其他应对这一挑战的礼物将作为遗产承诺的一部分随着时间的推移而到来.

“Today is historic, not just for McPherson College, but for all small liberal arts colleges in America,” said Schneider. “我非常感谢最火的十个赌博软件的匿名捐赠者给了最火的十个赌博软件一个前所未有的机会和责任,来建立和实施最火的十个赌博软件成为目的地学习社区的战略愿景. 最火的十个赌博软件还获得了一个极好的机会,向两位传奇校友和教授致敬. Ward and Dr. Burkholder.”

“Now, the work begins to build a bridge to our future endowment,” Schneider added. “最火的十个赌博软件需要仔细规划如何利用捐赠基金的收入来重新构想和建设未来的校园, build a much-needed rural health pipeline in Kansas, 为未来的汽车工程建立一个中心,努力使最火的十个赌博软件所有的学生都能负担得起大学学费. There has never been a better day to be a part of the McPherson College community!”

At its most recent meeting, 麦克弗森学院董事会将麦克弗森学院捐赠基金命名为沃德-伯克霍尔德捐赠基金. Dr. 沃德1950年毕业于麦克弗森学院,在高等教育领域有着杰出的成就, 先是在麦克弗森学院担任了12年的农业教授,后来在内布拉斯加州大学任教. Dr. 伯克霍尔德1949年毕业于麦克弗森学院,并在该学院担任了近40年的生物学教授. Many members of the Ward and Burkholder families were on hand at today’s event.

“在这笔巨额捐赠中命名教师,凸显了麦克弗森学院独特的师生关系,包括约翰和约翰自己在学院的学生时代. Priceless might be a fitting word to describe the influence that faculty, staff, and administration of McPherson College have on the lives of its students,” said Marty Ward, a McPherson College Trustee and son of Dr. John Ward. “沃德和伯克霍尔德家族对每一个参与沃德/伯克霍尔德捐赠基金的人感到荣幸和感激. On behalf of Dad and Dr. Burkholder – thank you.”

According to the terms of the double match gift challenge that concluded on June 30, the anonymous donor agreed to contribute $2 for every $1 given by others, up to $500 million.

这种规模的捐款通常不会流向像麦克弗森学院这样规模或位置的大学, 这给了学校一个难得的机会来建立和维持未来在平原上的小型文理学院.  McPherson College is following its student-first values, 将资金用于学术项目,同时使大学学费更便宜,更容易接受——确保像堪萨斯中部这样的地方的人才有机会长期发展.

Joining in the day’s festivities was U.S. Senator Jerry Moran, the senior United States senator from Kansas.

“麦克弗森学院采取了一种创新的方法来培养学生,以满足麦克弗森社区和周边地区的需求,” said Sen. Moran. “麦克弗森学院的出色工作吸引了一些捐赠者,他们希望支持那些为年轻的堪萨斯人提供在大学期间和毕业后很长一段时间内茁壮成长机会的机构. I look forward to continuing to support these efforts at the federal level.”

麦克弗森学院以学生为中心的计划包括在农村卫生倡议方面重新开展合作, plans for state-of-the-art science and engineering facilities, and a huge boost for students facing challenges affording college. Specifically, this includes McPherson’s Community by Design strategic plan, which includes East McPherson, the campus master plan; a new Kansas Center for Rural & Community Health; and McPherson College’s Student Debt Project, which has been proven to be a true pioneer in college affordability.

The new Kansas Center for Rural & 社区卫生将确保下一代的从业人员可以使用最新的技术和技术来帮助改善堪萨斯州农村的医疗保健. McPherson College’s groundbreaking Student Debt Project, which has established a successful partnership with local businesses, has made McPherson College significantly more affordable. The program, 麦克弗森学院的捐款者每捐一美元就会捐出25美分, will be expanded in the future as a result of meeting the match, not only making a McPherson College education affordable for more students, 但这也为全国其他面临成本上升而努力保持低学生债务的大学提供了一个蓝本.

十多年来,麦克弗森学院对理查德和我来说一直是一个特殊的地方. Melanie Lundquist. “最火的十个赌博软件特别赞赏施耐德校长和古铁雷斯教务长的创新, problem-solving leadership. 支持麦克弗森独一无二的汽车修复计划也是最火的十个赌博软件最大的乐趣之一. Richard was honored to donate his classic Ferrari to the program, 最火的十个赌博软件都很激动,这个独特的项目和麦克弗森学院将在这个慷慨的配对礼物的基础上永久稳固.”


Next month, 麦克弗森学院的汽车修复项目将首次出现在行业最大的舞台上——2023年卵石滩优雅大会. The students’ fully-restored 1953 Mercedes-Benz 300 S Cabriolet will compete at this year’s event, a monumental milestone for the unique program.


Editor’s Note:

Pre-Challenge (Before Feb. 13, 2022)
Existing Endowment + Estate Commitments     $250,000,000

Challenge (Feb. 13, 2022 to June 30, 2023)
Challenge Commitments                                   $342,000,000

Anonymous Donor Estate Match
& Additional Estate Commitment                  

Total                                                                 $1,592,000,000